A couple of years ago, I split from ex-boyfriend. It was his decision, and it had been a very passionate and intense relationship filled with passion, an overload of hormones and love to each other. An extremely intense relationship that when it fell apart, smashed my heart into microscopic pieces. I thought I would spend the rest of my life with this guy…he on the other hand thought he would spend his nights with a blond colleague. Terrible cliche I know…
Shortly after it ended, I had to go the US for awhile…heartbroken I walked along the streets of Atlanta with a girlfriend of mine, Lisa, who tried to console me the best she could with all the Oprah psychology she knew of. But sadly nothing worked on me.
Lisa had tickets to a play she had wanted to see with me for a while, but I had to admit I did not really feel like going. Lisa offered that we just return to her apartment, and watch crappy movies and drink loads of wine and diss the opposite gender.
But I could tell she really wanted to see the play…so I sucked it up and off we were. The play was titled ’Mades goes to Jail’ with Tyler Perry and Crew.
To this day I am still thankful for Lisa dragging me there.
The play was absolutely fantastic and the crappy mood I had been in, transformed to laughter, smiling and non-stop laughter attacks. My abs got a serious workout. But most importantly of all was the morale in the story-the fact that life moves even though your heart is broken for a little while. You’ll be okay in the long run.
Life is like a tree. The people in your life are either three things. Some people are in your life for a short period….others there for a few years…. and others are there for a lifetime….They are either a leaf, a branch or a root on your life tree.
Certain people are like leaves on a tree….when the wind blows, these people become very unstable and you don’t know where you have them. They switch side all the time depending on which way the wind blows. When the season change, the leaves (people) wither and disappear out of your life. It is not necessarily a bad thing to spend time with those people, as long as you are aware that the leaves people are only there to take something from your tree, so they themselves can grow and give shade to you and for you to learn something from them. Its just the way they are and thats okay. You were only meant to learn that lesson and give wisdom about life from them.
There are certain people that you will always have trouble with…and when you clearly pointed out the problem to those people and they do nothing to fix the problem, then they’re leaves that are there for only a season and then out of your life as quick as possible.
It can hurt, but its for your own good not to have them in your life that long. But there are also leave people who actually try to fix the problem. Those kind of people are good to have around you because those people are leaves trying to be something else…and those people are worth fighting for!
There are people in your life who can be a branch on your tree. Branches are good. Branches can be solid and lasting… But these people you also need to be very aware of, because they act like they’re real strong but they can trick you! They make you believe that they’re superman but the minute you lean on them, they break and leave you hanging there high and dry….
But if you have 3-4 people in your life that are like roots on your tree, then you’re so lucky and blessed because these people are the ones that will never leave. They are strong and can handle it when you lean on them. They ain’t going no where! They’re not worried about being seen with you, they’ll gladly tell the world that they know you and without these people, your tree couldn’t live.
A tree can have hundreds of branches and thousands of leaves, but only have a few roots.
I realized how my ex had been a leave on my tree. He had been in my life for a period of time, but it had been to teach me about myself….he had not been there as Mr. Right….but rather as Mr. Right Now.
After the play Lisa asked me how I felt. It was like going to sleep on a cold winter’s night and waking up on a warm summer morning. I felt so much better. Because I realized that even though the seasons might change and the leaves will flourish and wither in my life…the roots of my tree…will always be there to carry me through.
Do you have strong roots on your tree??? And have you also confused a seasonal person with a lifetime expectations like me?
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